5 Instant CTR Boosters to Increase PPC Traffic

Is the click rate low? CTR affects not only the amount of traffic you get immediately but also the amount of traffic you get in the long run. For example, Google AdWords bases its quality score on CTR more than any other factor. 

How can you increase you CTR? Here are five ways. 

==> Raise bids for each position.

If you don't already have AdWords Editor, download it. Download all the latest statistics. 

Sort keywords by ad position. Your ideal goal should be somewhere between 2.5 and 5. If it is less than 2, the clicker will not be purchased, but if it is more than 6, you will not get enough traffic. Highlight keywords that aren't in this range and click "Change Pre-Bid" below to increase them all at once.

==> Steal key concepts 

Are there any competitors who are always good at advertising? Try to steal their main concept. 

Of course, never steal an entire ad. This makes the ad look like "me too." Instead, take what works for them and give it your own unique twist.

==> Move to exact match 

Try to bid only for exact matches, not for partial matches, keywords, or phrase matches.

This will significantly reduce the traffic, but the traffic you do get will be much more targeted.

Both your CTR and your final conversion rate will skyrocket. 

==> Go on a Headline Split Testing Spree

Headlines determine your CTR more than any other part of your ad. If you want to increase your CTR, start with the heading. Go to the Split Test Spree heading. Consider 4–10, used for split testing. Test two at a time until you find the best heading.

Note that if there are keywords in the headline, the keywords will be in bold. This often, but not always, improves conversion rates.

You  also need to see if you can use dynamic keyword insertion to increase your conversion rate. With dynamic keyword insertion, even if you enter a completely different keyword, it sounds like you're talking directly to your audience. 

==> Try the symbol 

Symbols such as $,%, = attract attention. Try using them in your headlines and bodies. 

Do not unintentionally include it in the title. However, if you can find a creative way to use icons in your headlines, that alone can significantly improve your CTR.

These are five different tactics that you can use right away to see  your  CTR increase. Powerful CTR doesn't always happen overnight, but keep in mind that you need to do a careful split test to see what works and what doesn't. Nevertheless, there is still much you can do to increase your CTR instantly.

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