How To Cook? The 6 Simple Steps of Becoming a Better Cook

Cooking is a fun and rewarding hobby that anyone can try. Here are the steps you can follow if you want to teach yourself to cookst.

Step 1. Start with Easy Recipes

Cooking your first meal or dish doesn't have to be complicated. You will learn more if you follow the basic formulas, and you will also have a better chance of success on the first try.

At first, you can try completely boiling, boiling, or frying eggs, then switch to a different route, such as cooking pasta, rice, or sautéing vegetables. In fact, it is better to cook many different dishes instead of cooking the same dish over and over to develop.

For easy recipes, you can use the internet as a resource or invest in an "easy cook" book or two by famous chefs.

Step 2. Get Familiar with the Equipment

Working in the kitchen for the first time can be a daunting experience. All around you are cutlery, pots and tools, and you barely know how to use them.  

We know what a pot and a knife are, but how about a colander or a peeler? If you don't know them, you should take the time to read them and understand them. You may come across them in your recipe or cookbook, so it's best to find out what they do and how you can deal with them.

Besides basic tools like knives and tongs, you also need to learn how to tell the difference between a grill and a slow cooker, for example. If you are not sure, look up the make and model in the manual or on the Internet.

Step 3. Learn the Common Cooking Lingo

Most cookbooks will just tell you what to do with an ingredient-for example, they may ask you to "look for" the meat, but how do you do that exactly?

Cooking lingo is a dime a dozen, and if you want to make things easier, you should learn about it too. The result of a dish will be very different if you do not follow the instructions, especially the cooking style.

Again, the Internet can help in this regard. You can watch YouTube videos or tutorials on how to cook an ingredient a certain way.

Step 4. Measuring Ingredients is Important

Along with learning how to perform different cooking processes, it is equally important that you know how to measure and quantify ingredients and servings.

Cookbooks do a good job of telling you how much you need, but then you can get confused as to what a "dash" or a "pinch" is. Additionally, you'll want to have your cooking utensils like measuring cups and glasses  for preparing vegetables like spinach or rice, flour, and more. 

The following instructions will ruin or break your first cooking attempt, so it's best to do it now. You'll then have the freedom to tweak or even create your own delicious creations.

Following these instructions will make or break your first attempts at cooking, so it’s nice to try this for now. Later on, you’ll have the freedom to modify or maybe make your very own tasty creations.

Step 5. Watch and Learn 

Most people are inspired to cook for their partners and loved ones by watching cooking shows on YouTube, Netflix, or local channels. The way the different ingredients come together is fascinating to watch, but things may not go as planned when it's your turn.

Videos and shows are great teaching aids and go great with cookbooks. You can start to feel more confident when you start observing as you cook your meals, so you have an idea of what to do and what the final dish will look like.

Step 6. Practice Makes Perfect

You will definitely encounter some problems when learning to cook. This is perfectly fine because only a few get it right the first time.

Understanding the basics, such as cookware, measuring, and preparation, is essential to becoming a good chef. There's really no shortcut to this-the more you do, the more comfortable you'll feel and the more benefits you'll get.

Try different recipes for different meals and stick to these delicious recipes. Rely on your device, such as a meat thermometer, fryer, or induction hob, so you don't have to guess the temperature and cooking time.

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