There are diseases caused by diet called "eating disorders." There are two main types: anorexia and bulimia. About 2 million people in the United States currently suffer from these eating disorders. These disorders are more common in girls and women than in men, but some male patients also suffer from eating disorders.
Anorexia is most common in teenagers. This is even more true for girls from middle-class and upper-class families. Men and boys suffer from anorexia, but less frequently. Anorexia is a person's unwillingness to eat when they need it to survive. There are anorexics who avoid eating most foods available but are more likely to engage in activities such as strenuous exercise to lose weight. Gaining weight is the biggest fear of anorexia. Excessive weight loss, typically experienced by anorexia sufferers, appears to cause a hormonal imbalance in women and girls with many health problems that can arise.
The cause of anorexia is still unknown. Some medical professionals believe that a combination of biological, nutritional, and psychological causes all lead to this disorder. There is a specific cause. Currently, there is no single cure for anorexia. There are drugs that treat depression associated with anorexia. Patients need psychological and family support to help them move out of their eating disorder fearlessly.
Bulimia nervosa is a common eating disorder in which the patient feels strong urges to eat. In a very short amount of time, binge episodes repeat. Binge eaters fear obesity and vomit in an attempt to deprive the body of nutrients. Patients also try laxatives, diuretics, strict fasting, and all kinds of diets. They will also want to exercise their bodies hard to prevent weight gain. All of this puts a strain on their heart and kidney function as well.