Winter Weight Gain: Why You Gain Weight In Winters And What Can We Do?

Gaining weight in the winter is a common complaint for many. We gain a few pounds each winter and don't seem to lose everything in the summer. Some of them always stick and get a little heavier each year. It appears to be extremely difficult to lose excess weight! Why is this happening and what can we do?

There are many factors that contribute to this. First, there seems to be a genetic predisposition to store more fat as winter approaches. Many animals do this, and it was probably essential for our ancestors to survive. The extra fat layer of the body protects us from the cold and can be used as fuel in late winter and early spring when food supplies are historically very low. In the post-harvest food-rich fall, you probably tend to eat more to facilitate this process. You may also unknowingly choose fatty foods at this point.

Hormone levels can also affect weight gain. Interactions of hormones and other chemicals in the brain can lead to fluctuations in appetite and thirst. Some neurotransmitters can also affect our diet. Overweight people often have low levels of these neurotransmitters, which can result in excessive appetite, depression, and sleep problems. At the same time, the lack of sunlight caused by the short days of late autumn and winter can lead to seasonal turmoil and winter blues. One of the easiest ways to boost your energy and emotions is to eat high-carb foods such as sugar treats, chips, and granola. This allows you to quickly "correct" your blood sugar. As a result, people who are depressed in the winter tend to overeat and eat the wrong foods, which leads to weight gain, increased depression, and an unbreakable vicious cycle.

So, overall, there are many reasons to eat a lot of high-carb foods such as cookies, cakes, and chocolate in winter. Of course, most of these foods are also high in fat. The best way to deal with this is generally to replace it with other low-fat, high-fiber foods that are high in carbohydrates and give you what your body demands. That means potatoes, butter-free whole wheat bread, brown rice, cereals, and fresh whole grains.

It is also important to move more. In winter, physical activity levels are often low, and people tend to want to stay home and rest. Naturally, when it's cold outside, But we are not cavemen! Our house has heating, and we can be confident that there will still be plenty of groceries in the store in February. You don't have to store fat like they do. Join the gym or get a home exercise bike. Turn these carbs into energy now, rather than sitting on your hips until spring. This is an easy way to avoid gaining weight in the winter.

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